Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lucid Dreaming:

If anyone is interested in Lucid Dreaming, they should get themselves the book "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming."

It is probably the best book on the subject. Many people who practice Lucid Dreaming swear by it.

Personally, I feel that Lucid Dreaming is a pretty amazing subject. Almost anyone can do it, but it takes a lot of practice and willpower to do it well. Lucid Dreaming has lead me down some interesting paths. It has opened my eyes to several subjects that I either outright dismissed as being bogus (Astral Projection, OBE, NDE.... etc) or subjects that I just hadn't put much thought into (religion, spirituality, meditation, afterlife...etc).

Lucid Dreaming could be something as simple as tricking your mind, or it could be a gateway to something bigger. I really think it gives you a glimmer of what could be possible.


Mad Hatter said...

That book is more or less the lucid dreamer's bible. I own it. There are several other great books out there as well. These are important because EWLD only covers (mainly) one form of inducing dreams.

carlhungis said...

Thank you for the reply. So far EWLD has been the book that has suited me best. I have read some other ones that are a more "spiritual" take on it. I can see how that would be beneficial, but not really until you have a lot better control. I like how EWLD allows you to develop your skills and go from 0 experienc to actually having LD's.

I am curious what other books you would reccomend.

Leo Volont said...

Hi Carlhungis,

I am so pleased you visited my site.

Regarding Lucid Dreaming, yes, indeed, it is most valuable and beneficial, providing you do not listen to a word of propaganda as spouted by nearly all of the proponents for Lucid Dreaming. They all demand that one take 'total control' of one's dreams. Well, duh, if one allows oneself to CONSIOUSLY usurp all Dream Content, then this would leave absolutely NO ROOM for any Spiritual, Collective, or Divine Messaging or Influence.

Dreams would become isolated to the individual. What Masturbation is to Sex, Total Dream Control is to Dreaming. While it may fulfil the individual's fantacies, it brings no new knowledge and can prove for no spiritual growth.

So Lucid Dreaming must be understood in terms of Intensity and Vividness -- that becoming conscious that one is Dreaming somehow switches on some additional source of energy that drives the Dream Consciousness. yes, one should have control, but the same control that one has in ordinary life, that is, control over one's choices within one's given situations.

when the Higher Dream Mind goes through the trouble to create intelligent and meaningful dreams, we should scrarcly be expected to simply toss them out for our own shallow conscious inventions.

Also, regarding the other Phenomena such as Astral Projection -- what they now call 'Out of Body Experience'--in many ways this phenomena has a priority place. Allow me to explain... while Lucid Dreaming is the best path to travel while doing REM Dreaming, but if one is falling asleep at the start of the evening, or after awakening in the middle of the night, then it would be easier to access 'Astral Projection'when at first falling asleep. Now, once one is Lucid Dreaming, or once one is Astrally Projecting, the experience is largely the same and can lead to the same Spiritual Realms. But one must make distinctions as regards to initiating technique. Lucid Dreaming for when one is Dreaming, and Astral Projection when one first hits the pillow.

Again, thank you, Carlhungis, for your visit. I am deeply appreciative.
